between inspiration and insight

I am just a college student interested in things that are pretty, creative, funky, unique, handmade, vintage/vintage inspired, repurposed, peaceful... etc. Really anything that catches my eye. I guess that explains my blog. Read on!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My First Post: Isn't she cute?

 I am going to this ball with my boyfriend. It's a headdress ball where, as I understand it, the ladies of Upland (including his mother) perform while wearing themed headdresses. Interesting, I know. But I am looking forward to the opportunity to wear this and get all dressed up. It makes me wish I lived about 100 years ago where it wasn't out of ordinary to dress to the nine ever so often.

1 comment:

  1. IMHO, Dressing to the Nines should be done as often as possible. You don't need a reason to do it, be like Nike "Just Do It".


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